August 20, 2004

To Feast With

This week's Friday Feast wasn't up yet when I first logged on this morning, and Beth is launching a Carnival of Recipes, so here is the barbecue sauce I tossed together a couple of weeks ago.

1 large jar pineapple preserves (actually too chunky; next time I'll try jam)

2 cans tamarind nectar

1/4 cup honey

1 tbsp dehydrated garlic

1 tbsp cilantro flakes

2 tbsp sriracha chili sauce

Simmer overnite in the crockpot on high.


Note that if brushed heavily onto the skin of a split Cornish hen (or anything else) before grilling, the sugars will cause it to char. Brushing it on the top side of burgers every time I flipped them worked quite well, and Emrack and the others of his generation slathered it on everything I grilled except for the corn, with popular local and national brand sauces being ignored.

Posted by triticale at August 20, 2004 07:51 AM
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