January 08, 2006

Ain't Carnivals Great?

Technogypsy is back from taking his kid hunting (we have a similar program in Wisconsin, but it's run by a private individual and his dog, Rocco) and has posted the 73rd Recipe Carnival. It turns out I was not the only one to contribute a borscht recipe. The version from In The Headlights includes the one detail missing from mine. It turns out that the correct bone, the one with a joint on the end, is a shinbone. Had Beth not launched the Carnival I might never have known that.

Posted by triticale at January 8, 2006 11:54 PM | TrackBack

So glad to be able to resolve something--anything. A shinbone! Yes! Actually the recipes are quite similar, and , I agree, delicious. Never used raisins, and I don't usually add sugar to recipes that ask for it. After I posted I realized that I can also make beef stroganoff. Maybe I'll save that for NEXT Russian Christmas.

Posted by: riannan at January 9, 2006 04:34 AM
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