September 01, 2007

Libertarian Paradox

Altho I consider myself to be a conservative of libertarian temperment, I find it necessary to confess that I accept the fact that there is an industry in this country which should be receiving closer oversight from Federal agencies such as OSHA and the EPA. That industry is the hazardous and environmentally destructive manufacture of methamphetamine.

Posted by triticale at September 1, 2007 07:04 AM | TrackBack

If methamphetamine manufacture were legal, it would get IRS scrutiny, too.

However, the legislative impulse has been to make ever more tangential things related to the process illegal, meaning you cannot buy Claritin and whatnot, but those engaged in illegal manufacture only break another law to steal it.

Posted by: Brian J. at September 1, 2007 02:15 PM

Yup, if meth were legal, then there would be robust Truth in Labeling laws and strong protections against irresponsible dumping and manufacturing processes. Just like cigarettes and booze. (Jack Daniels Distillery rarely explodes and when it does, it doesn't take three trailer homes with it.)

Posted by: Phelps at September 5, 2007 12:47 PM
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