April 25, 2004

Many are called, but Fusileers

It's been a lapsockdolager of a week for me, with two consecutive night drives, more exhausting than most such, followed by a DNS hijacking problem which kept me from accessing my own blog, or google to hunt for a cure. In the meantime, even without my help, the Fusileers have been doing quite well, and with the other two teams together about matching our numbers, the total is getting up there quite nicely.

Now that I'm getting involved, the numbers should go thru the roof. First of all, here is a reminder of why the project for which we are raising funds is so important. One can debate how much the Marine Corps involvement will slant the agenda of a new TV news provider , but with Al Jazeera showing itself to be antagonistic to a liberated democratic Iraq, an alternative is clearly needed.

I am not going to offer a premium which is historic, exotic or otherwise collectable. I'm taking a different tack, and putting a state-oriented spin on things. For every donation of $20 or more which goes thru the Fusileer page after this post goes up for which I receive verification and a Wisconsin mailing address (doesn't even have to be your own) I will send a copy of the Baen Publishing Honorverse promotional CD, with 28 science fiction books in four formats (RTF, HTML, Palm and eBook) which may be copied and shared freely but not sold. And yes, I have burned a copy and printed a label for the member of one of the other teams to whom I owe one.

Once again, here is the link for the Fusileers donation page.

Update: There is an updated list of donor premiums at Fusileer HQ. My Honorverse offer is included, so I've decided to upgrade it. I'm still favoring Cheeseheads, but to encourage everyone else to dig a little deeper, from now on (midday Tuesday) U.S. donors of $40 or more and anyone else at $50 or more can also get one. It would appear that John of Argghhh! is a fan, as is at least one other Fusileer. Odds are the rest of you would enjoy this too.

Update: I'll be leaving this post at the top until the fund drive ends or I do another post for it. Scroll down to see whatsoever else I post in the meanwhile.

Posted by triticale at April 25, 2004 10:18 PM

The title of this post -- spank yourself.

Posted by: Claire at April 27, 2004 02:23 PM


i suppose transplanted cheeseheads on the wrong side of the mississippi river dont count? lol

i *could* cheat and give you my mothers address in sheboygan, but the rider on my shoulder (the one in the white robes, and wings) would drive me nuts.

Keep up the great work!

Traves AKA Pudgy Pundit

Posted by: TWilliam at April 29, 2004 06:14 AM

nice place here..

Posted by: Andy Joel at September 22, 2004 05:08 AM

After a long search, I finally found your site. My granny used to say, that you must never give up to reach a certain aim.
So keep on going like I did it recently.

Posted by: Ramira Joy at October 15, 2004 04:55 AM
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