Jeff G asserts that he's not paying $5.75 for a Coors Light. Ever. Such an absolute statement makes no allowance for inflation or other variables. When I started drinking in bars, my usual, The Vine (closer than the St. Louis Zoo) offered dime beers from 7:00 until 8:00 in the morning. I would have figured on not paying $5.75 for a six-pack. Ever.
Emrack and I were sitting around last night discussing luxuries. He mentioned having a cold beer in the woods when camping. I handed him a promotional item I had been given earlier in the day by a marketing person representing Chimay ales. My son drinks Van Gogh vodka and aged Barbados rum, but a $7.50 25 oz. bottle of beer would be wasted on him.
"Naah," he said, "Point Special. Miller. Coor's Light. Aaaah, Coors Light." He gathered his thoughts and launched into a tale. "I stopped the van where the road dead ended, and heard 'hissss'. Not the place you want to hear a tire hiss, at the dead end of a 30 mile semi-paved road into the forest with no turnoffs." This was on his first California trip, driving an old camper on a van chassis. He had gotten a deal on it because the previous owner had bought it to use as a work van but the rear door was too small, and it showed. One of the two spares it came with leaked and he'd already mounted the other. "So I hiked back out a ways, and I found this woman who got some help for me. She asked me if I wanted a beer and I nodded so she got me a cold Coors Light. I've never enjoyed a beer more."
Yuch - Coors light good - ever?
No way. Those are not real beers.
Yuch yuch yuch.
Colorado Kool-Aid - that's what we called Coors anything back in college.
Now, Nevada Pale Ale, that's good.
Posted by: beth at June 6, 2004 08:09 AM