Since I still don't have the exact recipe for the potatoes we'll be bringing to the Easter gathering, I'm tossing out a fun one from the mailing list. It's described as being magic, but, per Clarke's Law a crock-pot is simply sufficiently advanced technology. A rich hot fudge sauce forms while the cake bakes.
1 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 cup granulated sugar
2 tablespoons baking cocoa
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup milk
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 cup chopped nuts
3/4 cup packed brown sugar
1/4 cup baking cocoa
1 1/2 cups hot water
Lightly coat the inside of a 2 to 3 1/2-quart slow cooker with cooking spray. Mix flour, granulated sugar, 2 tablespoons cocoa, the baking powder and salt in medium bowl. Stir in milk, oil and vanilla until smooth. Stir in nuts. Spread batter evenly in slow cooker.
Mix brown sugar and 1/4 cup cocoa in small bowl. Stir in hot water until smooth. Pour evenly over batter in slow cooker.
Cover and cook on high heat setting for 2 to 2-1/2 hours or until a toothpick inserted in center comes out clean.
Turn off the slow cooker. Let cake stand uncovered 30 to 40 minutes to cool slightly before serving. Spoon warm cake into dessert dishes. Spoon sauce over top.
Supposedly makes 6 servings, but you could divide it among more people if you are feeling mean.
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The have been relatively quiet this offseason, but general manager Mark Dominik said the team for vacant coaching positions and is still two to three days away from making any decisions.For more on the Bucs coaching sta [url=]moncher outlet[/url] ff, The Buccanners have had a fair amount of coaching staff turnover th [url=][/url] is offseason, despite heading into just the second year under Greg Schiano. Former quarterbacks coach Ron Turner left to become the head coach at Florida International while wide receivers coach P.J. Fleck left to become the head coach of Western Michigan. Former defensive backs coach Ron Cooper also left for a college job, as he became the secondary coach and assistant head coach at South Florida.Tampa Bay has already begun to fill the holes, as it . McNulty spent the last four seasons with Arizona, first as a wide receivers coach then as a quarterback coach last season. This isn't the first time Tampa Bay tried to hire McNulty. Schiano wanted to hire him as the offensive coordinator last season, but the blocked the move. McNulty coached with Schiano at Rutgers from 2004 to 2006.The Bucs may also be close to filling their wide receiver coach opening, as Dallas for Tampa Bay. Garrett coached the Cowboys' tight ends for four seasons before shifting to a role as the passing game coordinator for the last two seasons.If Garrett does indeed fill the wide receivers role as expected, that leaves the Bucs searching only for a defensive backs coach. Tampa Bay finished last in the NFL in passing yards allowed, giving up 297.4 yards per game. The Bucs allowed 30 passing touchdowns last season, [url=]moncler[/url] fourth-worst in the league.
ST. CROIX - A V.I. Corrections officer was advised of her rights Monday after being arrested on a charge of having sexual relations with a detainee at Golden Grove Adult Correctional Facility.Keisha Whyte, 26, of Estate Strawberry was arrested over the weekend and charged with the crime following an investigation into the contents of a cellular phone that was found. During a random search of inmate Joh Williams' cell, an iPhone 5 cellular phone was confiscated by officers from William's pants pocket, Warden Basil Richards said in his affidavit supporting the arrest. A subsequent search of the phone for information revealed a number of videos, including one of Williams and the Corrections officer having sex, according to Richards.After getting the phone containing the video for review, Richards was able to identify Whyte by her Corrections uniform shirt, her voice and a view of her face on the video.A search of text messages on the phone also revealed that the two had been exchanging text messages for some time and that Whyte had shared intelligence with Williams through coded messages about when there would be shake-downs on his unit and how he could hide the contraband that he had, Richards said.Bail for Whyte had been set at $25,000 and she was released to a third-party custodian and allowed to post 10 percent of the bond and sign and unsecured bond for the balance. She was ordered to stay away from the Correctional Facility and to have no contact - direct or indirect - with Williams while the case is pending.Williams currently is serving a life sentence plus 40 years at Golden Grove after being convicted of first-degree murder in a 2009 shooting incident.In March, V.I. Presiding Superior Court Judge Darryl Donohue handed down maximum sentences for Williams and his three co-defendants for the killing 25-year-old Almanzo Williams outside a dance in August 2009 in Castle Coakley.Donohue sentenced Williams to life in prison without parole on the murder conviction and 15 years on the assault conviction. He ordered that those two sentences be served concurrently and sentenced him to an additional consecutive five-year sentence on the reckless endangerment conviction and 20 years on the firearms conviction.Whyte is the second Corrections officers to come before the court on charges this month. On Jan. 2, Isabel Urgent was arrested and charged with attempting to introduce contraband into the prison. Prison officials said they were alerted that she was going to be smuggling drugs into the prison, and when she reported for work, she was searched and a partially burned marijuana cigarette was found in her bra and she was arrested, according to Corrections officials. No other drugs were found, according to court records. She was released on $10,000 bail.Assistant Director of [url=]louis vuitton portefeuile[/url] Corrections Dwayne Benjamin said Tuesday that the recent arrests are not a result of any increased initiatives at the facility but the continued work of the institution to uphold the law, and protect the prison population and the Corrections officers. He said the [url=]sac louis vuitton[/url] bureau tries its best to follow the procedures closely even when it comes to infractions by Corrections officers. Any officer arrested is placed on administrative leave without pay while their case is pending, he said.- Contact reporter Fiona Stokes at 714-9149 or email
"Dispatch" Blue Jackets beat writer Aaron Portzline answered readers' questions during an hourlong chat today. Here's the transcript.11:59:59 Ryan R: I feel like every question should begin with "It [url=]louis vuitton[/url] 's only two games in, but..."--The worry about this club was where the scoring would come from. Does that look like less of an issue so far?12:04:27 Portzline: Well, so far -- there's the magic phrase -- they've scored five goals in two games. This is hardly a large enough sample, but some players have looked more "offensive" than some would have expected, and that's [url=]sac louis vuitton[/url] meant as a compliment. The Blue Jackets traded their only player with 40-goal potential, that's for certain. But they have a solid collection of players who have 20 goal potential. Umberger, Dubinsky, Anisimov, Atkinson, Foligno, Brassard, Johansen and maybe Prospal fit that bill. Not 2 [url=]louis vuitton handbags[/url] 0 goals this season, of course. It's 48 games. But they have quite a few "second-tier" scorers on this club. Umberger and Brassard got off to horrible starts last season, and Dubinsky had a down year with the Rangers. But this team isn't devoid of offensive talent. It's absent a star, yes. But if everybody performs up to standard, and if there are some pleasant surprises in the group (Atkinson, Johansen) they could turn out all right.
In Part one of the “”, we described the investment challenge facing investors who are near or in retirement, or, are sticking with money market funds because they are simply too afraid to invest in stocks. Yields are at all-time lows on traditional, more conservative income-generating investments, such as bonds and money market funds. Making matters worse, when inflation is factored in, the real returns on these investments are actually negative.Volatility in the stock market has given investors of all ages a reason to be concerned about investing in equities. Recent surveys reveal the lack of confidence individual investors have in the stock market. More significant than what investors are saying, is what they are doing. Investors continue to pour money into bonds, CDs and money market funds.Faced with this historically unprecedented investment atmosphere, what can investors do to protect their principal while generating the returns they need to meet their investment goals?One common solution advises investing in dividend-paying stocks that can provide higher potential income than bonds or money funds. There is a long list of mutual funds and web-based stock screening tools that you can use to come up with specific ideas. Depending on your search criteria, you can still find stocks paying dividends of three to six percent.While this strategy sounds pretty attractive, the bottom line is, regardless of the attractiveness of the dividends, at the end of the day, you still own stocks. You might hear that dividend-paying stocks are “less volatile” than other stocks because their [url=]sac louis vuitton[/url] dividend acts like a cushion in down markets. However, remember that 80% of all stocks follow the direction of the market. So, if your stock pays a four percent dividend and the stock drops 10%, you may still receive the dividend, but you have still lost principal. So, if you are concerned about the volatility of the stock market and your primary goal is principal preservation, this might not be the right solution. Also, dividends can be reduce [url=]louis vuitton[/url] d or e [url=]louis vuitton bags[/url] ven eliminated. If that happens, your income goes away and there is a pretty good chance the stock price will be negatively affected.Another common solution is to invest in bonds that pay higher yields than CDs or government backed securities. This might involve investing in long term bonds (10 years or more in maturity), foreign bonds or high yield bonds.Investing in long-term bonds might provide a higher interest rate for now, but if interest rates begin to rise, your principal is going to get hammered. Foreign bonds have currency and political risk. High yield bonds are high yield for a reason. These used to be called “junk” bonds, but Wall Street didn’t like the sound of that, so they have re-named them “high yield” bonds. Typically, the risk of default is higher. Plus, if interest rates rise, you have the same problem of watching your principal erode as interest rates increase.It’s hard to find anyone right now who believes interest rates are poised to go up. The Federal Reserve has announced that they have no intention of raising rates any time soon and it seems that, unless the global economy begins to improve, rates will stay low for the foreseeable future.Just remember: Few “experts” foresaw the bursting of the bubble and the resulting 2000 market crash or the crisis that overwhelmed the markets in 2008 and 2009. Is there a “bond bubble” getting ready to burst that will catch everyone off guard, again? If you think a bond bubble is possible, investing in bonds at these prices could be as risky as investing in stocks in January of 2000 or July of 2007.Investors saving for retirement may feel safer in bonds or money market funds but the reality is, ultimately, they may have no choice but to invest in stocks. The first consideration for anyone planning the transition from the “accumulation phase” of their retirement planning to the “withdrawal” phase, is the amount of capital you will have available to invest to generate the income you require.This may seem incredibly obvious, but maximizing the amount of capital at retirement is the first step to ensuring successful income stream for retirement: An investor with $500,000 is in a better position to generate the income they require than an investor with only $100,000.How can investors balance the risks of investing in bonds at these prices against the risks of the stock market? They will need to ignore the traditional advice Wall Street has shelled out to the retail investor for the last two decades and start to use some of the same investment strategies institutions have been using.In our next installment, we will explain what institutional investors use to generate returns to meet their goals while preserving and growing their capital and how individual investors can, too.
Iraq war veteran Pete Hegseth, head of Concerned Veterans for America and a potential challenger to U.S. Sen. Al Franken in 2014, came out strongly Thursday against the Pentagon s new plan to allow women in combat roles. This is about, the job of the infantry, the job of our war fighter, is to close with and destroy the enemy, Hegseth told Fox News Channel s Megyn Kelly. How does this move advance that ball down the field? Kelly, a trained lawyer who can hold her own in an exchange of ideas, pressed Hegseth on how it would change anything if women were required to meet the same physical standards as men. You know how these things work when integration happens, said Hegseth, who briefly put his hat in the GOP ring last year to challenge U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar (who has endorsed outgoing Defense Secretary Leon Panetta s plan). If it doesn t happen fast enough, what do you do? You start to lower the bar, or you start to impose quotas. Hegseth, a Forest Lake native and Princeton [url=]louis vuitton portefeuile[/url] grad who made a name for himself as head of the Iraq War era Vets for Freedom, also raised the issue of distracting battlefield romances. It s another variable that, as a platoon leader or a squad leader, you don t want to have to deal with Matt s feelings toward Mary. Kelly, pointing to the presence of gays in the military, shot back: Matt may have been having feelings toward Mike for a long time in the foxhole, and the military has been doing okay. Replied Hegseth: That may well be the case, but there are a lot more Matts that have feelings for Mary. The two also jousted on the problem of sexual assault in the military, which Hegseth called an open secret that has not been figured out. Kelly argued that because some bad apples are sexually assaulting them, is no reason for barring women from combat roles that advance their careers.Hegse [url=][/url] th countered that the military s mission is not [url=]sac louis vuitton[/url] to guarantee equality, but victory. The end state of the military is not equality, he said. It is the ability to fight and win wars.
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